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The box is normally done so that the ball that is only thrown and caught by the right hand stays in a column on the right side of the pattern, and the one that is thrown and caught by the left hand stays in a column on the left side.

In a box with switched columns, the right hand throws a ball in a column on the left side of the pattern, and the left hand throws a ball in a column on the right side.

In a box with "switched zips", the ball that zips back and forth between the hands moves in the direction corresponding to the hand throwing the zip, instead of the direction of the hand that will catch it. A zip going from the right hand to the left hand goes from the left side of the pattern to the right side and vice-versa, so to catch the zips in the right position the hands have to keep moving to the other side of the pattern after throwing a column ball, and then back to the other side to catch the column.

In both of these box variations, both hands throw and catch on the same side of the pattern at the same time. It's also possible to do the box with both the columns and the zips switched. In this pattern, a completely "switched" box, the hands are always on opposite sides of the pattern while they're throwing and catching, like in a normal box, but with the arms crossed, so all the throws and catches on the right side of the pattern are made by the left hand and vice-versa.

In a normal box, a full switched box, an upside-down box with switched columns, an upside-down box with switched zips, or a true box, the balls stay away from each other so that they are always in different corners of the box. In a box with switched columns, a box with switched zips, an upside-down box, or a full switched upside-down box, two balls come together in the same corner of the box on each beat, while the other ball is in the opposite corner.

42x switched col 200Box with switched columns 42x switched zip 200Box with switched zips 42x switched 200Full switched box
42x switched col lids 200Upside-down box with switched columns 42x switched zip lids 200Upside-down box with switched zips 42x switched lids 200Full switched upside-down box

3ball switched box

Full switched box by Tsubasa Murakami
